Less (clothes) is more (joy)
I recently became curious about the minimalist movement. Having moved house recently, it became obvious we've accumulated far too much useless stuff. While we were packing, we started to sort things and furnitures we wanted to keep and things we wanted to sell or give. We ended giving/selling almost half of our possessions. This was a great feeling. I however feel we can probably still halve what we have. Of course, I related this practice of cleansing your possessions with naturism.
Minimalists claim they have more space, time and freedom, which I agree fully. I recently bumped into 11 surprising things about becoming a minimalist. While reading the post, my mind could not think about how this ties almost perfectly to naturism, and make those 11 things, the 11 surprising things about becoming a naturist:
1. You will be friendlier. It's something every new naturist discovers immediately: naturists are generally friendlier.
2. Silence is more appealing. Respect is an important aspect of naturists. Naturists having generally a high respect for nature, silence becomes something that we (re)discover.
3. You’ll make better decisions. For sure, about who to befriend and where to go on holidays. Your choices are less, but if you put nudity as the first criteria, you'll end up more satisfied by your decisions.
4. Happiness becomes a decision. Happiness is a decision and being naked makes your happier (at least for me).
5. You can go without. Clothes, of course!
6. Live a healthier lifestyle. You have a better understanding of your body and its needs. It seems because of this acute awareness, nudists tend to live a healthier lifestyle.
7. You can buy when you are ready. Clothes, of course! And the later you are ready, the better.
8. Simple is sexy. Every body is beautiful! Although naturism is not tied to sexiness, I believe simple nudity is sexy.
9. You can be more confident. Body confidence and therefore our own confidence increases when we have nothing to hide.
10. Develop a personal style. Naked, you have nothing to hide and your body speaks for you.
11. You can be open to uncertainty. Sharing your nudism brings an additional layer of confidence and nothing's certain when you share this with others. Embrace uncertainty!
I start to better understand why minimalism is appealing: It shares the same values as naturism. If for minimalists, less is more, for naturists, less is more too: less clothes is more joy!
As I started this post on sharing how I gave/sold lots of stuffs while moving houses, I can now give half, if not more, of my clothes. I will continue to unclutter my life and house, to keep only the possessions that bring joy, and for sure, less clothes brings more joy, no clothes bring happiness!
Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!
Photo by Autumn Goodman on Unsplash